Big Bang

The DaiSuga Big Bang returns! We’re excited to celebrate our favorite Crow Captains for a fourth year in a row.This year’s Big Bang theme is:
In Every Universe: DaiSuga through AUs

DaiSuga Space birbs au profile picture

art by @melinices



she/herIs good at leaving cabinet doors open for days on end without noticing. Can sometimes make pencil lines look like somethingTwitter:


they/themChronically online yet somehow always outside doing cosplay things. Summon if you have math inquiries.Twitter:


she/themI am a warlock and DaiSuga are my patrons. They have my soul and I live to their command and wish. I also like potatoes.Twitter:


Can explain intricacies of English grammar. Plays video games how she lives: hoarding supplies and forgetting to eat until her vision blurs.


MilestoneStart DateEnd Date
Writer Sign UpsAugust 1August 17
Artists / Betas / Pinch Hitter Sign UpsAugust 1August 31
Summary SubmissionsAugust 18August 31
Summary ClaimsSeptember 8September 14
Teams AnnouncedSeptember 21 
First Check InOctober 1October 7
Second Check InNovember 1November 7
Third Check InJanuary 1, 2025January 7, 2025
Final Check InFebruary 1February 7
Posting Schedule AnnouncedMarch 1 
Posting DatesMarch 9March 22



Q: What is a Big Bang Event?
A: A “Big Bang” is an event where writers and artists are paired up to create content related to that particular Bang’s theme
Q: What kind of Big Bang is this?
The DaiSuga Big Bang 2024 is a traditional bang. Writers will be expected to submit summaries for their works and artists will select their top preferences from which they will be paired.
Q: Are the Mods all over 18?
A: Yes, all members of the Mod Team are over 18
Q: Is there an age restriction?
A: Yes, all participants must be at least 18 years of age.
Q: Are participants allowed to include other characters in their pieces? Can participants include love triangles or OT3 pairings?
A: As long as DaiSuga is the main feature / primary drive behind the plot you can create whatever you wish. Other characters are allowed to appear in big bang content at the discretion of creators including background ships, love triangles and OT3 pairings.
Q: Can you take on multiple roles? (Writer, Artist, Beta and so on)
A: Yes, dual creators (people who are an artist and a writer) are more than welcomed. In addition to such, all creators will be asked if they are willing to pinch hit during sign-ups. Beta roles and pinch hitter roles are available to all participants.
Mods only ask that you evaluate your own capabilities and be mindful of how much you as a participant can take on.
Q: Do I need to follow the year’s theme?
A: Not at all! The theme is just a suggested prompt for helping writers come up with ideas, but any themes within the rules are welcome in the Bang!
Q: Is this Big Bang NSFW?
A: This event will feature both SFW and NSFW content. Only creators with NSFW server access will be allowed to create NSFW content.
Q: What counts as ‘NSFW’ ?
A: The Mod Team will be using the Ao3 rating scale for all works. The scale is as follows:
— General Audiences: unlikely to be disturbing to anyone / suitable for all ages.
— Teen And Up Audiences: may be inappropriate for audiences under 13.
— Mature: adult themes (sex, violence, etc) that aren't as graphic as E content.
— Explicit: contains explicit adult themes, such as porn, graphic violence, etc.
Q: What sort of content is banned?
A: Since comfort levels vary, we ask that dead dove topics are avoided when coming up with a summary.
Q: What is considered "potentially triggering content"?
A: Potentially triggering content is any type of content or topics that may trigger trauma or cause discomfort. Such content includes but is not limited to: Self Harm, Sexual Assault, Mental Health, Suicide. Any type of Dead Dove topics all fall within this category. For the list of Dead Dove topics and potential triggers, check our Handbook.


Q: How long does our piece have to be?
A: The final minimum word count for a writer is at least 5000 words.
Q: If I choose to write a multi-chapter fic for this bang: (1) Does it have to be completed in its entirety by the final deadline? Or (2) in the event that it is complete do writers have to post it all at once?
A: The final deadline must meet our word count minimums or reach the scene your artist has illustrated even if that is beyond the minimum.
Q: Can writers use a fic that they have already been working on? Or do they have to make a new one from scratch?
A: Any work that hasn’t already been published or discussed online in any form is welcome. So if you have a story in your drafts that you’d like to use, you are more than welcome. However you can’t use a fic that you have already published/currently ongoing.
Q: Can fics feature platonic or gen. relationships between Daichi and Suga or do they have to be romantically driven?
A: Relationships do not have to be romantically involved as long as they are the focus of the story. Platonic or Gen. relationships welcome.
Q: Can writers create more than one fic?
A: Yes! However Moderators ask that you be mindful of your own capabilities and don't take on more than you can handle. Each fic will still have to hit the 5k word minimum and you will have to fill out a summary submission for each. This may change depending on artist participation in this event.
Q: What is expected of Pinch Hitters?
A: Anyone who signs up for the Pinch Hitter role will be expected to abide by the same deadlines and standards as other artists/writers. Please take our schedule into consideration when choosing this role for the DaiSuga Big Bang.


Q: What is considered a completed piece?
A: The final requirement for artists is one piece with full flat color (or fully shaded for black and white pieces).
Q: Are artists allowed to paint their own pictures or must they work together with a writer? (i.e. an artist wants to draw a short comic, with their own story idea)
A: A Big Bang is a community event so in order to participate working independently is not an option. However, if at some point throughout the bang you create your own DaiSuga related content you are encouraged to promote it in the Discord server.
Q: Is there a skill requirement?
A: There is no skill requirement to join/participate in the bang. Artists and writers of all skill levels are welcomed.
Q: Do art pieces for the bang need to be in color or is black & white ok?
A: Shaded Black and white pieces are allowed as a completed submission.
Q: Is there a size requirement for art pieces?
A: No. Anything related to the artists’ creations will be left up to them. Though we do urge you while picking your size to keep in mind that all final art pieces will be posted online and potentially within the AO3 upload itself.
Q: Do art pieces need to be digital?
A: No, art pieces can be digital or traditional. However, for sake of presentation quality, traditional art pieces will need to be scanned in high resolution.
Q: Will artists be able to claim multiple prompts?
A: We will have the option for artists to take on more than one summary. During summary claims artists will be asked if they would be willing to do more than one piece; if they say yes they will be asked how many more. With the option of doing up to three. This does not necessarily mean that every artist who picks to do more will do more but it will simply give us moderators room to work with should the need arise during claiming.